Our Organizations/Groups/Ministries
We provide many opportunities to grow in faith through learning and service. If you have any questions about our organizations/groups/ministries, or would like to help in our mission, please contact the parish offices at:
810-384-1338 (OLMC), 810-387-9800 (SHY)or 810-669-1029 (SJA)
or fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
810-384-1338 (OLMC), 810-387-9800 (SHY)or 810-669-1029 (SJA)
or fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
Pop up Missions are events that happen on a as needed basis. These Missions are Fundraising Events, Giving Tree Committees, Hospitality opportunities, cemetery clean ups and other items that appear at random times.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (OLMC), Sacred Heart Yale (SHY) & St. John (SJA)
Knights of Columbus 7918-OLMC
Knights of Columbus 8710-SHY Daughters of Isabella 452-OLMC Squires-OLMC boys 6-12 |
Little Flowers- OLMC
Bible Study- OLMC Book Club-SHY Tuesday AM Coffee w/Christ-SHY Rosary Groups-OLMC Parish & Finance Councils- OLMC/SHY Cemetery Committee- OLMC/ SHY Funeral Luncheon- OLMC/SHY Buildings & Grounds- OLMC/SHY Boomers and Beyond- OLMC Playgroup Pals- OLMC |
Altar Society- OLMC
Ladies Auxilliary- SHY Faith Formation K-8th grade OLMC/SHY/SJA Vacation Bible School- preK-9th OLMC/SHY/SJA Student Ministry- 6-12th grades OLMC/SHY/SJA Rosary Makers- OLMC Holiday Food Baskets- SJA Giving Tree- OLMC/SHY/SJA Music & Choir- OLMC/SHY/SJA Homebound Ministry-OLMC/SHY Worship Ministry-OLMC/SHY/SJA (this includes Sacristans, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Ushers and Greeters) |
Safe Environments
(Protecting God's Children and Background Checks)
Protecting Gods Children information sheet
Background Check Forms
To sign up for a Protecting God's Children workshop please follow the link below.